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How to receive “Free ETH” in Ethereum Faucet ?

Binni G. 🎧🦋


If you want to know methods to receive ETH in your metamask than you are at right place.

Please follow the instructions below to obtain some test Ether to use.

We will be using the Goerli Network instead of Rinkeby, you will need to use a Goerli faucet. There are two recommend options for obtaining the test Ether. If one does not work, please try the second option.

Option #1

  1. Visit
  2. Make sure you are signed into Metamask in your browser, and the Goerli Test Network is selected:

3. Temporarily disable any other wallet extensions you may have running in the browser (such as the Coinbase wallet). These wallets will cause a conflict with Metamask when trying to obtain funds.

4. Click the Connect wallet button in the top right corner of the page:

5. Click the Login via Twitter button to authenticate with your Twitter account.

6. Check the I am human box and solve the Captchas.

7. Click Send request (Important — You’ll probably want to make more requests to get more Ether. You can always come back for more on another day if you need)

8. After a few seconds or minutes, you should see a notification that the transaction was successful.

You should then be able to see your Metamask balance increase.

Option #2

  1. Visit
  2. Register for a free Alchemy account
  3. You should automatically be taken into an onboarding flow. If not you can find the Complete Onboarding button at the top right-hand of your screen:

4. You will be prompted to create a team. You may enter any value you wish.

5. The next prompt will be the type of project you are building. We are just requesting ether, so, you can put anything you’d like here.

6. At the Let’s choose your chain prompt, select Ethereum and click Next.

7. Select the Free plan

8. At the credit card payment form, click Skip for now.

9. Enter anything into the How did you hear about us prompt and click Let’s Build.

10. You will be redirected back to the Goerli faucet landing page.

11. Go to the Metamask extension in your browser and make sure you are signed and the Goerli Test Network is selected. Then, copy the account address that is listed:

12. Paste your account address into the form on the Goerli faucet landing page and click Send me ETH:

13. You will be redirected to a random screen with a link to click if you wish to view the transaction on the Georli testnet explorer:

13. You may exit this now. After a few seconds or minutes, you should see your Metamask balance increase:

Some insights on why we are doing what we are doing?

What faucet we are using and why we are not using Rinkeby or other test network?

We are using Goerli Faucet in this article. Due to the protocol changes of Ethereum: Rinkeby, Ropsten and Kovan test networks may not work as reliably and will be deprecated soon.

More specifically, Due to recent ETH Merge, The Rinkeby and Ropsten testnet explorers will be deprecated on Wednesday ,October 5th, 2022.

Instead, we will use the Goerli network. This is 100% interchangeable with Rinkeby, so, there will be no actual difference.

What is a testnet Ethereum faucet?

An Ethereum faucet is a developer tool to get testnet Ether (ETH) in order to test and troubleshoot your decentralized application or protocol before going live on Ethereum mainnet, where one must use real Ether. Most faucets require social authentication (e.g. Twitter post or login confirming you are a real human) or place you in a queue to wait for a testnet token through the faucet.

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