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What are the Flutter App Optimisation practices you should follow ?

Binni G. 🎧🦋
2 min readMay 29, 2023



When it comes to building high-performance Flutter apps, optimising performance is key. By following a few best practices, you can enhance your app’s speed, responsiveness, and efficiency.

In this blog, we will explore some simple yet effective techniques to supercharge your Flutter app’s performance.

  1. Minimize Widget Rebuilds: Widgets are the building blocks of a Flutter app’s user interface. However, unnecessary widget rebuilds can impact performance. To optimize this, use const constructors for stateless widgets whenever possible. This tells Flutter that the widget's properties won't change, reducing unnecessary rebuilds. Additionally, leverage state management solutions like Provider or Riverpod to update only the necessary parts of the UI.
  2. Efficient State Management: Effective state management is crucial for performance optimization. Choose a state management solution that aligns with your app’s needs. Keep your state management code concise and avoid unnecessary rebuilds. When updating state, use small, focused state management components (such as Cubits) that are as close to the relevant widgets as possible.
  3. Utilize Keys: Keys play a vital role in Flutter’s widget tree. They not only assist with testing but also help Flutter determine whether to rebuild a widget. Assign keys to widgets that you want to preserve across rebuilds and avoid unnecessary rebuilds when the widget’s position in the tree hasn’t changed.
  4. Target 60 Frames Per Second (FPS): Aim for a smooth and responsive UI by achieving a consistent frame rate of 60 FPS. This ensures smooth animations and transitions. Optimize your code by reducing computations and leveraging Flutter’s animation APIs to maintain optimal performance.
  5. Leverage Flutter Inspector: The Flutter Inspector provides valuable tools for debugging and optimizing your app’s performance. Use the “Rainbow Debug” feature to visualize widget rebuilds by displaying different border colors when a widget changes. This helps you identify and address unnecessary rebuilds.
  6. Stateless over Stateful: Whenever possible, use stateless widgets instead of stateful widgets. Stateless widgets are simpler and more efficient since they don’t maintain any internal state. Reserve stateful widgets only for components that genuinely require state management.

Conclusion: By implementing these performance optimisation best practices, you can significantly enhance the speed, responsiveness, and efficiency of your Flutter app. Remember to prioritise minimising widget rebuilds, choose an appropriate state management solution, utilize keys effectively, target 60 FPS, and leverage Flutter Inspector for debugging. Empower your app with these techniques and provide users with a seamless and delightful experience.

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